Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 - 722 Words

Multiple sports currently played by both men and women have had a tremendous impact by Title IX.Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 simply bans gender discrimination allowing equal participation by males and females in any sport of their choice (Cummings 182). Through this portion of the Education Amendments of 1972, women have gained more playing opportunities and caused athletic departments to expand. Permitting women to participate in sports, provides many benefits to sports teams participation wise. SInce women are no longer allowed to be denied the chance to play on a team because of their gender, more teams must be created in order to fulfill this order. The impact of Title IX has reached high school and college level athletics. Just in 1980, the percentage of female college athletes increased from 15% (1971) to 30 percent, practically doubling (Title 73). High school sports have evidently been greatly influenced by Title IX. Back in 1971, 249,000 females participated in high school sports while last year (2013), there were 2.7 million participants, a significant increase (Murr 557-68). Not only have sport teams gained a large amount of female players, but they have also increased in popularity for this reason. Many minor sports, such as soccer and field hockey, have had a huge increase in both male and female participants, ranking them higher (Stevenson 486-505). Having participation from both genders allows one sport to gain popularity amongst others.Show MoreRelatedTitle IX on Sexual and Race Discrimination1366 Words   |  6 Pages Research paper Title IX What if you were told that there may be a law created intended to remove discrimination between the sexes in education and sports, or that in the matter of athletics and job occupations both men and women are given equal opportunities? 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